He aqui la subversión de parte de este blog de lo ocurrido en la infame Masacre de Ponce...suceso ocurrido un dia como hoy hace 74 años... #eso? en el pueblo de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
"On Palm Sunday (March 21), 1937, Governor Winship cancelled a Nationalist parade which was to have taken place in Ponce only an hour before it was to have begun. When the march continued anyway, the Insular police, under direct orders from Governor Winship, fired upon the demonstrators resulting in nineteen deaths and more than 200 wounded. One hundred fifty protesters were arrested." via WIKIPEDIA
"As "La Borinqueña", Puerto Rico's national song, was being played, the demonstrators began to march. They were then fired upon for over 15 minutes by the police from their four positions. About 235 were wounded and nineteen were killed. The dead included 17 men, one woman, and a seven-year-old girl. Some of the dead were demonstrators, while others were simply passers-by. At the present time, only two survivors are still alive, Fernando Velez and his sister Beatriz Velez, nephew and niece of patriots Emeli Velez and Erasmo Vando. Many were chased by the police and shot or clubbed at the entrance of their houses as they tried to escape. Others were taken from their hiding places and killed. Leopold Tormes, a member of the Puerto Rico legislature, told reporters how a policeman murdered a nationalist with his bare hands. Dr. Jose N. Gandara, one of the physicians who assisted the wounded, testified that wounded people running away were shot, and that many were again wounded by the clubs and bare fists of the police. No arms were found in the hands of the civilians wounded, nor on the dead ones. About 150 of the demonstrators were arrested immediately afterward; they were later released on bail." via
Carlos Torres Morales, a photo journalist for the newspaper El Imparcial was covering the march and took this photograph when the shooting began.
Según Wikipedia Blanton Winship quien fuera asignado por Franklin Delano Roosvelt como gobernador militar de la isla de Puerto Rico, canceló dicha manifestación...lo que no dice Wikipedia es que el insecto de Winship dió permiso a seguir con la manifestación y practicamente en medio de la misma la canceló y envió a la policia de Puerto Rico a abrir fuego contra los manifestantes, matando a niños, mujeres, ancianos, en fin dizparando a diestra y siniestra contra todo lo que se moviera. Tremendo ser humano el tipo.

Major General Blanton C. Winship (1869—1947)
El año siguiente *1938 el gobernador Winship en un acto considerado como "rebuloso" movió a Ponce la celebración de los 40 años de la invasión estadounidense a Puerto Rico, actividad que se iba a celebrar en San Juan. ¡CABRON! Es durante dicha celebración que Ángel Esteban Antongiorgi comete un atentado para asesinar a Winship, fracasando en el mismo y terminando asesinado por la policia...no sin antes herir a varios guardias y matando uno en el intercambio. 9 personas fueron arrestadas tras ese suceso.
He aqui la opinión de el congresista Vito Marcantonio que causo que eventualmente removieran al asesino Winship de su cargo como gobernador de la isla.
"In his 5 years as Governor of Puerto Rico, Mr. Blanton Winship destroyed the last vestige of civil rights in Puerto Rico. Patriots were framed in the very executive mansion and railroaded to prison. Men, women, and children were massacred in the streets of the island simply because they dared to express their opinion or attempted to meet in free assemblage.”
— Vito Marcantonio, U.S. Congressman
Aqui una lista de las victimas. QEPD †
* Cotal Nieves, Juan Delgado
* Hernandez del Rosario, Maria
* Jimenez Morales, Luis
* Loyola Perez, Ceferino (policia)
* Maldonado, Georgina (niña de 7 años)
* Marquez Telechea, Bolivar
* Ortiz Toro, Ramon
* Perea, Ulpiano
* Pietrantoni, Juan Antonio
* Reyes Rivera, Juan
* Rivera Lopez, Conrado
* Rodriguez Figueras, Ivan G.
* Rodriguez Mendez, Jenaro
* Rodriguez Rivera, Pedro Juan
* Rosario, Obdulio
* Sanchez Perez, Eusebio (policia)
* Santos Ortiz, Juan
* Torres Gregory, Juan
* Velez Torres, Teodoro

Foto de los familiares de las victimas...ver los hoyos de las balas en la pared.
ODIO el Domingo de Ramos gracias a este incidente...gracias Estados Unidos...gracias España...MCED † ¡viva Puerto Rico! Puñeta!
Marzo 21 1937 alrededor de las 9:00 p.m., mi padre, ex Juez de Paz de Arroyo, recibe una llamada por el cuadro telefónico del pueblo con la noticia de la muerte del agente Eusebio Sánchez Pérez en la Masacre de Ponce. La encomienda era notificarle a la familia de su deceso. El agente Sánchez, recientemente trasladado a nuestro pueblo, era neófito en la policía de Puerto Rico y comprometido con la arroyana Lolita Martínez quién supo de su muerte a través mi padre. Marzo 22, mi padre me lleva a Ponce (tenía ocho años de edad) para ver el escenario de los sucesos donde observé las marcas de las balas en la pared del edificio. Aunque mi padre no era partidario del ideal nacionalista, dejó su óbolo antes de regresar a Arroyo.